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Are you too old (or too young) for your job?

As I reflect on how quickly 2024 is moving by, I couldn’t help but reflect on a topic that’s very real, relevant and yet also quite fragile – our age.

Having worked for more than a decade in a multinational company with great culture, I never felt too young or too old for any of the roles I had. We had a culture where we respected everyone, regardless of age, race or job level. I was trusted and valued. I was among those who grew their leadership career even before turning 30.

It was only since closing that chapter that I witnessed how real ageism was everywhere else. Perhaps because I entered an industry and career which is more common for the gray-haired or retirees. And as a Career and Leadership Coach, I lost count of how many of my clients referred to age as a hindrance to reaching their goals or fulfilling their dreams.

According to verywellmind.com, signs of ageism can include the following:

  • Exclusion from a group, such as at school or at work
  • Being passed over for promotions or raises
  • Being laid off or forced to retire
  • Negative comments about a person’s age
  • Having your input or ideas ignored or dismissed
  • Losing out on benefits such as paid time off
  • Not having access to learning opportunities

Have you experienced one of these because of your age?

Building your career in an ageist world

There is no denying that ageism exists. The World Health Organization defines ageism as “the stereotypes (how we think), prejudice (how we feel) and discrimination (how we act) towards others or oneself based on age.” Perhaps even you and I who have been victims of ageism, have at some point been ageist towards others as well.

So how do we deal with it?

Examine your beliefs and mindset

Sometimes, the thoughts of being too old or too young actually come from ourselves.

Our beliefs impact the way we see the world, how we behave and how we think. I’ve spoken to many professionals, who are the youngest of siblings, and still see themselves as too youngand having no voice… Yes, even when they’re already in their 50s. Or perhaps your perception of a career is one that starts at the age of 20, peaks at 30 and ends at 60, based on what you’ve seen from your parents.

What are your personal beliefs or mindsets about age and career?

How are these beliefs or mindsets serving you or limiting you?

Advocate for yourself and others

Speak up when you need to, especially on things that matter, like principles and values. This may mean raising your hand during a meeting and expressing your interest to lead a project or to share an idea. This may also mean not tolerating behaviors or words that degrade others because of their age or differences. This means proving that you can get the job done and not allowing others to undervalue you because of your age.

Create awareness

With the speed of the evolution of the workplace, many are unfortunately still trapped in past worlds or mindsets. It’s not that they have something against you (or your age), but they just aren’t aware that the issue exists or they lack awareness of the industry or other related areas.

Let’s take coaching for example. Despite the efforts of the International Coaching Federation and coaches to spread awareness on coaching, many still believe that one must have decades and decades of professional experience in a subject matter to become a good coach. And so some younger coaches feel like their age is a disadvantage. If you know what professional coaching really is, you’d know this is not true.

Shift the systems you’re in

Sustainable change will happen when the systems are also shifted. You can do all the inner work and create awareness, but as long as there are systems (ex. Processes, frameworks, practices, etc) that discriminate age, ageism will continue to exist. Do what you can in whatever sphere of control you’re in.

Are you involved in hiring or recruitment? Hire based on skills, attitude and potential, not just on the number of years. Are you a manager? Make sure your team respects each other and create a safe space to be themselves.

Ready to dream some more?

I was in my early 20’s and in the corporate world when I first attended an inspirational leadership talk. Like a kid, I told myself, “I want to be like him when I grow up.” It didn’t bother me when or how it would happen. But look where I am now.

I still tell myself similar words these days, when I see someone whose personal or professional progress is admirable.

“I will get there.”

As I look back at the past years with gratitude, and look ahead with hope and excitement, my prayer is that you will never lose sight of your dreams. It doesn’t matter how old you are.

With commitment, consistency and a courageous heart, you’ll get there.

For more tips on career, leadership and coaching, check out these FREE resources.

📗 Free courses: http://kurlydeguzman.thinkific.com

🚨 My Article in International Coaching Federation Coaching World Blog: Starting a Thriving Coaching Practice from Zero – Read here

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