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One Simple Rule to Keep your Employees Engaged

“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” — Confucius

Human beings like complexity. When we face challenging problems or situations, such as employee turnover, there is a tendency to choose more complex solutions, thinking that simple ones won’t work.

I’ll be honest that sometimes, I too get caught up in the complexity bias. But as I tune in more to observing the world around me and listening intently to people I meet, I realized that Robert Fulghum could be right (in most cases) when he said that all we really need to know, we already learned in kindergarten.

So in the spirit of simplicity, because hey, we have too many problems already to deal with, I offer you one simple rule to keep your employees engaged.

Employee Engagement Defined

Gallup definesemployee engagement as the involvement and enthusiasm of employees in their work and workplace.

An article in Forbes defines employee engagement not as employee happiness or satisfaction, but as the “emotional commitment the employee has to the organization and its goals.” In the same article, it states “engaged employees actually care about their work and their company. They don’t work just for a paycheck, or just for the next promotion, but work on behalf of the organization’s goals.”

As I reflect on these definitions of engagement, I can say for sure that it takes more than free pantry food, wellness sessions and work flexibility to keep employees engaged. It takes something deeper and more human-centeredto cultivate a sense of genuine care and commitment to the organization.

What do employees want?

As I looked at my LinkedIn posts, I realized that there are two posts which did not only get many reactions, but also several shares.

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“You deserve a job that doesn’t just pay the bills but also fills the heart.” See original post here.

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“Checking in with your employees means talking not just about their deliverables and deadlines but also about themselves.” See original post here.

And very popular also are the witty yet thought-provoking comic strips of The Woke Salaryman which seem to resonate with thousands of professionals on LinkedIn as well.

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As a coach, it has been my habit to ask myself, “What is this telling me?” as I reflect on my experiences and observations.

This somewhat gives me a hint of what professionals are looking for and what they want.

1.   Salary is not everything, people are seeking purpose.

2.   People want to be seen, they want to feel valued.

3.   They care about their career growth and overall well-being, and they need their managers’ help.

What does this mean to managers and HR?

If you want to keep your employees engaged, it is very important to CONNECT.

Human connection is a basic human need. Isn’t this also what you do to keep ties with your friends from the university or your loved ones near or far?

In the workplace, connecting means engaging in more meaningful conversations with your employees.

●    Listen actively and without judgment

●    Be curious to learn more about them

●    Ask questions that will help you draw out their potential

●    Find out what they find valuable and meaningful and co-create ways to align this with what the organization has to offer

●    Solicit feedback and ideas from them instead of giving all the answers yourself

●    Ask them about their goals and dreams

●    Offer support and encouragement

It is of course ideal to set aside about an hour a month with them, but if this is not possible, there are still many ways you can do this as part of your day-to-day work.

●    Have a simple check-in before starting meetings

●    Acknowledge their ideas and feelings

●    Recognize them for making progress or improvement

●    Welcome diversity and respect differences in all interactions (i.e. in virtual meetings, over lunch, in casual conversations, etc.)

●    Reply to their messages, or at the very least, acknowledge that you have received them

According to Gallup State of the Global Workplace Report 2021, “managers account for 70% of the variance in team engagement, and for managers to positively influence employee wellbeing, they must be upskilled from boss to coach so that they can have honest, meaningful, developmental conversations with their team members.”

Disengaged employees? Connect with them.

High-performing employees? Connect with them.

Resistant employees? Connect with them.

Tenured employees? Connect with them.

New employees? Connect with them.

Supportive employees? Connect with them.

The simple rule?


Make it genuine, meaningful and built on trust and respect.

In case you haven’t downloaded yet, my eBook, A Leader’s Conversation Guide on Returning to Office, is still available for free for you to download. This is a simple and easy-to-follow guide to help you prepare, conduct and follow through on your employee conversations about returning to the office. You can also use this guide in your other conversations about change or even in your monthly or quarterly team meetings.

No special tools needed. You can start today, and do it consistently to make a difference. Coach Kurly de Guzman is a Career and Leadership Coach and one of LinkedIn’s Top Voices based in the Philippines. She continuously seeks ways to add value to leaders and their teams through her newsletter, leadership and career development workshops as well as group and 1:1 coaching sessions for clients.

To work with Kurly, send an email to hello@kurlydeguzman.com or book an exploratory call to discuss your organization’s needs here.

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